Tuesday, August 24, 2010

i have a small heart~

yeah, title nie mcm sme jer dgn title niena tsurara yg pernh dipostkn kat blog die..yeah, im too have a small heart...very very very small...maybe because im already a thin, small and cute person kot...(no offense k..hehe)... nak cite detail takot orng yg membce terkne tempias air hujan plak kan..but right now, im totally disappointed over someone who are very close to me... is that im over sensitive to something that are considered small matters to them...but for me it is not a small matters...because this things represents ur own attitudes towards ur friend..

yeah , im agree sometimes i do over sensitive, but im realized that a long time ago then i start to change myself to be a better person...i know sometimes i have a bad attitude that i need a time to change it.. i do realise it.. when i have a small heart i tend to be in silence..because that's who i am..im rather keep it all inside my heart because i love people who are close to me..i dont wanna fight with them because that small matters..i wanna be a professional when i faced this kind of problem..i dont wanna them worried about me...

after all, im alone to cheer my ownself... i have a small heart..niena tsurara, how to recover from this small heart?....huk3..(T.T)

Friday, August 20, 2010

i'm back! - budak final year

hehe, dah lame x update blog...bukan ape, cume bile dh masuk u balik nie mcm2 la nak kne buat..sekarang aku sudah bergelar "budak final year".. bile dpt title nie...x seronok pon senanyer...sebabnye:

1) rse cm dh tue cket la(walaupon muke aku msih mude ag, cun ag)
2) bile nk g kelas, aku x kenal sape2 pon yg lalu sebelah aku...rse mcm dok negeri orng plak...
ke aku nie orng foreigner?...haha...x best2..sume orng yg aku tgk sume muke comel2 ag..knape rmai junior bnding senior nie...ish2...
3)kne buat FYP!..xsuke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, buat system tue ok..tp mls nk wat report..
4)sebb sekejap je lagi ntie aku grad..pastu kne keje...tue yg x sonok tue...

haihhh...mcm mne nie...tp ape2 pon aku harap post aku x terhenti setakat nie je ntie..yela budak final year kan mestilah sibuk sepenuh mase..hahaha, tp senenaye x pon, act aku sibuk bnde len senanye...sibuk tok mngahabiskn mase terluang yg ade nie bersma2 kwn2...yela ntie sush dh nk jmpe ke ape ke...tue kteorng plan mcm2 tue...

and aku pon sibuk bajar sknk nie..aku x thu plak knape aku nie terlebih rjin..syik terlebih rjin jer sknk nie...sampai xde mase nak g men gurau2 ngan "thena" n "ween"...hahahaha, next week bnyak test and assignment nk kne hntr...huhu, tue sebb aku bersemngat buat keje nie..yela kalo leh aku nk jd orng first yg siap sume2 bde2 nie..enth dr mne aku dpt spirit tue...badi dr internship kot...haha, padehal aku bnyak kot delay keje time intern...neway, wlaupon dh bergelar budak final year, tp aku happy dgn hidup aku yg sknk nie...nak thu kenape???...haaaa, jeng2...mne leh kasi tau...rhsia la..haha...tp xpe lah..aku kasitau jugak...sebbbb

dlm mase beberape thun ag....................................................

aku dh...............................................................




ish gatalnye kan...nk wat cmne..sindrom2 nk kwen tue dh smpai agknye...hahaha..xde la..gurau2 jer..act wlaupon orng ckp final year sibuk, mmg sibuk pon! tp kteorng masih ade peluang tok berpoye2....best la bersme2 kwn2 nie...well, i will miss u all ntie..huk3, sob3...hehe, k la, semngt aku dtg lagi nie..nak bajar...hahahaha, nak prepare tok test2 yg bakal dtg x lama lgi nie...oppps terlupe nk ucap selamat pose kt sume orng....hehe....bye2~~~~

Friday, July 2, 2010


hemmm, tinggal lagi seminggu ag before aku habis internship kat klcc..perasaan aku ketika ini susah untuk digambarkan...antaranya:
  • TIRED!
  • TIRED!
  • TIRED!
makin nak abis intern nie lah makin bnyak bnde yg kne buat...dah pelbagai kata nista sudah dikeluarkan dari mulut aku nie...ye la mane x nyer...utp supervisor aku tue die nak bnde2 simple jer tok final presentation ntie..tp yg dok sibuknye pasal kteorng nyer presentation adelah puak2 department aku...dorng tue skema la..ade ke patut nak soh terang pasal host company jer bnde tue berpuluh2 kali kne review and macam2 nak letak...mcm bnde tue jer yg kteorng nak present..apekah????

bile syik kne betulkn jer presentation slide, aku dh mula rase cam lantaklah ape nak jadi...rse dh fedup sgt2 dah...dah penat dah nak tukar2 sume ayat pastu nak tambah mcm2 ag...aku paling geram dengan SV aku kat department tue...dulu cakap len sekarang bikin len plak...aishh...mmg MENYAMPAH TAHAP GABAN la kat die tue..padan muke die sampai sknk x kawen2 ag...perangai mcm "Lagenda Budak Setan" (kalo bole nak buang jer 2 ayt kat depan tue) xde orng yg nak..dah la HJ Bakhil plak tue...gerrr..

walau ape2 pon, this coming monday, kteorng nye final presentation tok internship....alhamdulillah project2 aku sume siap cume kne edit cket2 la...perasaan cuak x ade ag la...sebb penat tue melebihi segala2nyer....so sknk nak rehat tgk2 muvi2 yg best bru smbung wat slide ag...practice x ag...enth nak jd ape lah time present ntie yer...berserah je lah....huhu

Monday, June 21, 2010


some types of happiness are not easy to forget
do some types of happiness start like this?

every meeting, it's a type of happiness
no matter when or where, whoever you meet
how the ending goes,
it's all a type of happiness

P/s: some of my friends had asked me what this title is all about...
what the meaning of the tagline above....
here i post the music video for all of you to know what that tagline is telling us..


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

H0teL??? Tun mAhathir Mohamad??? Apakah????

hari nie hari yg sgt memalukan buat aku...ape daaa...time nie kteorng tgh bersiap sedia tok present kt staff2 GTCOMM...pagi2 lagi aku dh bersiap sedia tok pgi awl ke opis sebb semlam aku x practise ape2 pon..nak present kat GM nie..uish...takott seyh...kol 8 sharp aku dh smpai opis..terkejut badak si BUSYBODY tue tgk aku smpai awl opis..agk2 die mesti igt aku nie dhtakot kot..ala, kalo bukn sebb present aku xmoe nye smpai awl opis...cessss!

after dh discuss2 ngan yugen, aku decide tok present n demo skali..pasal project aku ngan yugen iaitu AXIS repository...tgh dok syok2 practise, aku dpt thu hari nie GM xde...iush...

senangnye dalam hati,
kalo GM tak ada,
tetapi walau GM tak ada,
SM masih ada~

after sume orng dh present, ok BOS kteorng pon tnye la sume rong,

BOS :ok, ade ape2 soklan lagi nak tnye?...

Staff : emm xde kot...sumenye dh okey...

BOS : hah, sepanjang korang berada kat GTCOMM nie,ape pendapat korang kerje kat cnie?ade dapat ape2 x?..ok sorang2...

Yugen: ok la...sumenye bagus, everyhting going smoothly...n bla3 lagi la..(aku pon dh x igt dah)

AKU: emm interesting, a very good experience la...because if nak compare sye n kwn sye yg sknk nie pon tgh intern kt GSCM yg pernh ckp rse cam nak terjun bangunan,sye lagi bertuah la...coz x tertumpu pada tmpt kerje sgt..coz GTCOMM ade buat training, inventalk, invenclinic n bla2 ..so, dpt la jugak kteorng nie g jalan2, communicate with other people outside GTCOMM,n trime kasih jugak kat en midi sebb bawak KTEOrNG pegi HOTEl..

BOS: hah!! HOTEL???

staff: HOtel??? hahahhahahhahhahahahhahahha (satu meeting room dipenuhi gelak ketawa)

aku: hah???..ape aku ckp nie..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eh x2...bukn cmtue...pgi hotel buat EXHIBITION...

tp mse tue sume orng dh bising bergelak ketawa ngan kate2 aku...nie lah padahnye suke sgt berckp smpai dh tersongsang dh ape yg aku ckp...knapelah aku memlukn diri aku...hahahhaha, masing2 dh x tahu nak ckp ape...sume ckp ish midi nie..pndai yer ko bawak anak orng pagi hotel...tp jgn salah fhm yer kwn2...kteorng buat exhibition kat hotel bagi pihak petronas...hehehe

after dh stop gelak tue, ok dh settle sume, sume orng pon bersurai...then ade sorng staff nie..

Staff: korang pasnie kalo ditawarkn masuk GTCOMM nak x?
ween: eh kalo ade peluang mesti lah nak kan..kerje ngan petronas..bukan senng dapat.
Staff: kalo cmtue ok la..ntie u dok bwah i...i pon nak jd cm en midi la...hahahaha
(die dok gelak2 kan aku rupanyer...)

aku pon ag...

ANANDA!!!!! (hah masuk jugak nme ko anan..)hahahha, btw, its just a joke from him..i know him...tp xpe lah...at least aku meningglkn kenangn tok sume orng kan..hak3...

sesampai di meja masing2......

aku ngn ween pon dok lah kt meja kteorng...nak smbung final report kalo leh....tp dok tgh2 layan lagu plus tgk tenet nie, tbe2 bos dtg kat meja sv aku...

BOS: eh ape eh nme penuh tun?
SV: hah, enthla..

aku dgn yakinnye menjawab..

AKU: TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD! (mcm bngge gile jawab...) (dalam hati aku, eh tue pon x tahu kaa???)

WEEN: yg dok sebelah aku pndang je aku ngan bos aku..


BOS: eh tun, ape name penuh u ek?..

aku n ween serentak pndang antra satu sme len trus ketawa terbahak2 smpai nak pecah perut....ween la yg pling seronok ketawa gelakkn aku....trus pergi kat tmpat tina tergolek2, terhuyung hayang kt ctue skali ngan aku jugak la...mmg x leh tahan langsung la time tue...parah2...This is the second time hari tue aku x pasal2 memalukan diri aku sekali lagi.... LUCKILY, bos aku ngn sv aku x dgr...kalo lah dorng dgr, aku x tahu lah cmne ,dorng gelakkn aku lagi pastue...tp yg penting ween dgr..smpai tina ade bgi tip tok stopkn kteorng nye gelak...x tahn dh nie..nak pecah perut...

Tina: hah cepat tgk kuku korng
Aku: (pandang kuku) trsedak n trus terdiam..

ween ngan tina ape ag gelak sakan dorng..sebb expresson aku yg enth ape2...hahaha ween pon critelah cmne aku ngan yakin n bangga sekali jwb name tun mahathir mohamad..padehal bos aku tnye nme tun yg dok sebelah meja sne tue..Tun tue manager kat bahagian BPPM under R&T division gak...tapi aku nie salah fhm..patut pon aku dh rse pelik dah...ape lah bos aku nie.x kn name bekas perdana menteri pon x tahu...hahahhaha mmg gelak sakan la hari nie...aku dh tergolek2 ats lntai...btw downg pon dh pos crite aku kat fb...cept je korng kalo bab2 memalukan aku yer..hahaha btw, kenangan kot..ye x korng sume????... hehehehe, dh nak abis dah intern...hehehe begitulah kisahnye...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

taGGed from s0me0ne~

favorite fashion brand: Vincci + Rom + SubZero
favorite car: Porsche
favorite perfume: no specific favorite (because rarely use perfume)
favorite number,color: 1 and 3, white and black
if you have a jinx: Compact powder,lip balm and heels/wedges must always be by my side or in my handbag. On rare occasion/places/situation that i doesnt have it, i will messed up all the things around me including myself...(,")
favorite male star during childhood: Bae Young Joon
the role model in my life: Rasulullah s.a.w
most precious item: al-quran ( guidelines for my life)
the item you want to buy most right now: lollipop/blackberry handphone (my old handphone is now getting worse) :(
most memorable movie or music: many but one of them is one little of tear..
I would be happiest if only I had this!: At this time personal time and space.
other people think of me as this: straightforward person ( but i am just being honest to myself and everybody)..
the most thing I worry about is: my self-confidence (how can i become a good daughter to my parents as well as to my future life)
the most thing that make me sad is: parting from people that i loved, separating for a long time, cant get the things that I want even I pray hard for it.
the most thing that make I mad is: when i lose to my confidence
when I start a new thing, I: Always start with a prayer
something I want to change: a little in my personality is that whether it's because im still young , i dont know but i feel that i lack a lot of patience and perseverance.
I do this when I fight with another person: whether i'm in silence for a while or I go first to apologize.
when i go shopping: round the shopping mall till third times then start the real shopping, hahaha (if i got enough money la, if not half-round is enough then go back!)
if I could have a new life I would want try this: i'm always thankful for everything I have at any moment.
when a problem occurs,I: always pray first.
when I have someone as good as myself to compete against I: double my effort to work hard.
I think women: need to be understood and protected.
I think men: should be strong but weak.
This kind of man is a cool man: he's cool even to a man.
if I were to list money,love,and success in order: love,success and money.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

alWays Last miNute !!!!

If theres a word "if" that could change everthing "if" i want it...if it could be like this and that but I cant change the time...time always pass by without us acknowledge about it rite... the same things happen to me rite now... push my self to the extend where u could screaming out loud like a crazy people...yeahh, im doing my internship project rite now..this is our last third week before we end our internship period...crazy rite?...there were internship second visit soon mybe on the last week of june but still i had not finished yet my project..arhggg!!!...serve my rite..this is because i always delay my works and rite now working hard to finish it before second visit...feel like my neck will be broken soon..in pain because i dont have table to put my ladtop so i just put in on the floor and crossing my legs facing it without any place for support my back and this is the result...wuwuwuw :( :( :(.. yeahhh!!! chaiyok3!! aja2 fighting!!..., lets finish it first before i continue blogging again okey...pray for me, hopefully i can finished it before the deadline...huk3...daaa~

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

D0nt juDge pe0ple by Its C0ver = Sentiasa Bersangka Baik

well, today at office nothing to do.as usual try to finish the internship final report and serve internet ; read on other people blogs, news, gossips n bla3...around 4.25 p.m, i put aside everything that i do to fulfill my duties as a servant on this earth in other word solat la weyh..haha, after take a wudhuq, then i straight away go to solat's room. the first word comes out from my mind is "WOW, ramainye orng" because i saw a lot of slippers outside the room..nevermind, i just enter the room..there was my manager and one of the other staff sitting at the corner of the room, i guest they are waiting for the asar's prayer;think so. while tina on her tahayat akhir and the last person there are wearing a telekung to pray.

after tina had finished her solat, i took her place. after that i waited for asar's prayer as well as the other three staff there in the room.. when i was recited a doa, there was a person comes into the room for zohor's prayer; i guest and surprisingly that person is munira salim, which is ex-gf of hans issac. there was a lot of rumor and gossips about her...i will told u all soon about it..haha, yeah it is very unbelieveable because this is the first time i saw her pray. ok cool down...just look into another scenes...after everyone finished zohor prayer, while sitting in the room, having a chit chat between all of us..munira start it first..she asked about who is the one that paste the paper which is contain the doa at the wall and the staff that sat beside me says it her who doing that because she cudnt remember the doa...what i heard from munira is "masya allah, it is a good job, so that i can read it too", im supprised(for the second time)...ok..still cool..i just waited for another shocked that will come out from her...haha,

after that, she told us when she was in school how the ustazah teached the agama and so on and how she tried very hard to remember all those practical knowledge and so on...she was quite cute on how she expressed the face and feeling of her...in my heart, she quite good and have a good heart as well...after that she told us one of her friend gave her arabic book and how she explain her friend that she cudnt read the book because of the languge.then her friend asked her"then how did you read the al-quran if u dont know the arabic language", it took a while for her to say that she cud read al-quran because she is remembering the words..but then, inside from my heart, eventhough she remember the word but not through reading of the al-quran still she had an effort to read it, isnt it?...

she is actually have a good heart and not like what other people said before this about her...yeah, it is true after all...about the rumor that had happen to munira is, everyone said that she and her family are the followers of ayah pins and bla3...i also dont the exactly story about that, there was so many story about she and her family and you cud find it in internet..someone was told me like that, but actually it is false..yeah...and i learned something today as i cud see with my own eyes...dont believe what other people says and try to look and think positive about other people as well...also dont judge people by its cover...maybe the outside of munira we cud see that she maybe look bad but inside we dont know how the true heart of someone is...so, let change ourself friends...dont misjudge other people...sentiasalah bersangka baik terhadap orng len so ntie orng len pon akan sentiasa bersangka baik terhadap kte juge..tol x....hehe

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

vincci ku di kaki mu

ha ha ha... kalo dengar title tue mcm ape lah yer...nak dijadikan cerite, hari nie hari selasa, June 8 2010 , tept kol 5 aku dan ween kualah dr office..mcm bese lah kteorng kan...hahaha, kebetulan bos plak ade dlm bilik die...manager plak enth ke mana..so cabut la awl2 supaya xde lah rse segan n bersalah sgt kan..mse aku jalan je sebelah pantry, mcm bese lah ade jer kepala nak terjengul kt meja sorng staff tue..staff yg kteorng pling bnci buat mse sknk kerna die sgt lah BUSYBODY!, ween dah blah dl dah, aku plak g la bank tok kuakan duet...niat dlm hati hari nie dh x moe beli dah cake ke pastry ke kat cake sense..sebb hari2 aku beli something kt ctu..patut pon makin hari aku mkin gemuk..keje mkn cake n pastry jer...n patut pon duet cept je abis kan..hahah, tp bile dh lalu sebelah cake sense, aku nie bukn kuat iman sgt..g je lah berhenti kejap...berhenti jer bukan buat ape2 pon...

mse aku smpai dekat cake sense, ade lah dua orng minah nie...free hair, tinggi, nmpak cam lawa jer..tp aku x tgk pon muke..setakat tgk badan ckup la...dorng dok syik perhati2 cake2 yg ade kt ctue..aku pon nak tgk gak..syik block pndangan aku jer..pastu, sorng minah tue cam undur belakang la cket..aku pon ape ag, msuk jelah celah2 dorng berdua tue..aku pon nak pilih cake aku...after dh decide cake mne yg aku nak, aku pon mngundur la diri aku kt belakng..tbe2.."erkk" aku terpijak kaki seseorng...alamk aku pijak kaki minah yg sorng lagi tue...aku pon mintak la maaf...ciri2 seorng warga malaysia yang berbudi bahasa la katekan.."opps! sorry2" aku ckp kt minah tue...pastu minah tue ckp lah, "oh, its okay2"..aku termanggu sekejap...mcm ku kenal sore minah tue...tp kat mne yer...aku pon mngangkt la kepala ku ini...opsss!!!! TUMIT VINCCI KU DI KAKI FASYA SANDHA...HUAHHAHAHAHA~ gelak dlm hati la beb...gelak kuat2 kan die saman aku plak...artis2 zamn sknk x leh men..buat bnde pelik cket jer dh nak men saman2...naseb bek dia cool jer...x kn nak jerit kt ctue saket kan...haha, pas dh byr cake aku, trus aku blah...mmg x leh blah la..bab kate kwn aku, ko sgt2 lah bertuah, sebb nina dpt jumpe fasya, tp ko pijak kaki die weyh..hahaha