Tuesday, August 24, 2010

i have a small heart~

yeah, title nie mcm sme jer dgn title niena tsurara yg pernh dipostkn kat blog die..yeah, im too have a small heart...very very very small...maybe because im already a thin, small and cute person kot...(no offense k..hehe)... nak cite detail takot orng yg membce terkne tempias air hujan plak kan..but right now, im totally disappointed over someone who are very close to me... is that im over sensitive to something that are considered small matters to them...but for me it is not a small matters...because this things represents ur own attitudes towards ur friend..

yeah , im agree sometimes i do over sensitive, but im realized that a long time ago then i start to change myself to be a better person...i know sometimes i have a bad attitude that i need a time to change it.. i do realise it.. when i have a small heart i tend to be in silence..because that's who i am..im rather keep it all inside my heart because i love people who are close to me..i dont wanna fight with them because that small matters..i wanna be a professional when i faced this kind of problem..i dont wanna them worried about me...

after all, im alone to cheer my ownself... i have a small heart..niena tsurara, how to recover from this small heart?....huk3..(T.T)

Friday, August 20, 2010

i'm back! - budak final year

hehe, dah lame x update blog...bukan ape, cume bile dh masuk u balik nie mcm2 la nak kne buat..sekarang aku sudah bergelar "budak final year".. bile dpt title nie...x seronok pon senanyer...sebabnye:

1) rse cm dh tue cket la(walaupon muke aku msih mude ag, cun ag)
2) bile nk g kelas, aku x kenal sape2 pon yg lalu sebelah aku...rse mcm dok negeri orng plak...
ke aku nie orng foreigner?...haha...x best2..sume orng yg aku tgk sume muke comel2 ag..knape rmai junior bnding senior nie...ish2...
3)kne buat FYP!..xsuke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, buat system tue ok..tp mls nk wat report..
4)sebb sekejap je lagi ntie aku grad..pastu kne keje...tue yg x sonok tue...

haihhh...mcm mne nie...tp ape2 pon aku harap post aku x terhenti setakat nie je ntie..yela budak final year kan mestilah sibuk sepenuh mase..hahaha, tp senenaye x pon, act aku sibuk bnde len senanye...sibuk tok mngahabiskn mase terluang yg ade nie bersma2 kwn2...yela ntie sush dh nk jmpe ke ape ke...tue kteorng plan mcm2 tue...

and aku pon sibuk bajar sknk nie..aku x thu plak knape aku nie terlebih rjin..syik terlebih rjin jer sknk nie...sampai xde mase nak g men gurau2 ngan "thena" n "ween"...hahahaha, next week bnyak test and assignment nk kne hntr...huhu, tue sebb aku bersemngat buat keje nie..yela kalo leh aku nk jd orng first yg siap sume2 bde2 nie..enth dr mne aku dpt spirit tue...badi dr internship kot...haha, padehal aku bnyak kot delay keje time intern...neway, wlaupon dh bergelar budak final year, tp aku happy dgn hidup aku yg sknk nie...nak thu kenape???...haaaa, jeng2...mne leh kasi tau...rhsia la..haha...tp xpe lah..aku kasitau jugak...sebbbb

dlm mase beberape thun ag....................................................

aku dh...............................................................




ish gatalnye kan...nk wat cmne..sindrom2 nk kwen tue dh smpai agknye...hahaha..xde la..gurau2 jer..act wlaupon orng ckp final year sibuk, mmg sibuk pon! tp kteorng masih ade peluang tok berpoye2....best la bersme2 kwn2 nie...well, i will miss u all ntie..huk3, sob3...hehe, k la, semngt aku dtg lagi nie..nak bajar...hahahaha, nak prepare tok test2 yg bakal dtg x lama lgi nie...oppps terlupe nk ucap selamat pose kt sume orng....hehe....bye2~~~~